Monday, March 9, 2009

Have You Started Getting Ready?

Good information for any emergency!

  • A lighter (actually, pack multiple lighters, and protect them from moisture in a Zip-Lock freezer bag -- you can hand these out to people in need).
  • A candle (very useful for getting a campfire going, as the constant flame will help ignite wet tinder).
  • A compass.
  • Two extra-large heavy duty garbage bags: One you can use as a rain coat -- poke holes in the sides for your arms, and poke another hole for your head. The other, you can attempt to curl up and sleep in, if no other shelter is available, or if you forget to pack a canvas tarp, as advised above. Another, you can wear over your backpack, to keep dry when it rains.
  • Weapons for self-defense, depending on how you feel about that and what's legal in your area. You can do sufficient damage to allow time to escape with a can of bear pepper spray, for example. A bowie knife is also a good deterrant.
  • Good shoes, such as those used for "cross-training" or "trail-running" (it's very important that your shoes lace-up well, so that they don't come un-tied if you have

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